Nebojša Nikolić
Dr. Nebojša Nikolić ny. ezredes, a belgrádi Katonai Akadémia korábbi docense, a szerb Stratégiai Kutatóintézet korábbi osztályvezetője, projektvezetője. Szakterülete a hibrid hadviselés és a katonai logisztika.
Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető ITT.
What made you apply for the grant?
I have found that topics that I used to deal with during my professional military and researcher career are very relevant in today’s security environment and actual trends of violation of global and regional security, which certainly touches national security and defence of almost every country. In the other hand, I am from that kind of researchers who likes new challenges and want to share its views, knowledge and dilemmas with other peers. Hungarian University of Public Service is strongly present in international scientific community, and after public call for the Ludovika Scholars Program for guest lecturers and researchers, I have decided to apply for this great opportunity. The benefits provided by the Ludovika program make it very competitive and attractive.
What do you expect from the program?
I would like to encourage listeners to take an interest in some aspect of the issues of the topics of my presentations. Also, I would like to continue international cooperation and participate in some future activities in the field of education and research. The latest conflicts in the world confirm the need for permanent monitoring, analysis, research, drawing lessons, as well as education and preparation to face constantly new security challenges.
What role does this grant play in your professional career?
I see this grant in two ways: first, as a valuable recognition of my research efforts and results by a prominent academic institution, and second, as additional motivation to continue research efforts and dedication to academic cooperation. Besides, every form of international engagement in the fields of education and scientific research, play very significant role in academic competences development in my country too.