Agata Kosieradzka-Federczyk
Dr. hab. Agata Kosieradzka-Federczyk a Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Egyetem Ökológiai és Ökofilozófiai Központ, Jogtudományi Intézet, Keresztény Filozófiai Kar; a Fenntartható Fejlődés, Környezetjogi és Gazdálkodási Tanszék tanszékvezetője. Szakmai területe a nemzetközi környezetvédelmi jog és vízjog.
Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető ITT.
What made you apply for the grant?
The Ludovica programme due to its a regional dimension, allows to collaborate with people who share the same environmental reality and passion for science. Countries in the same region face the same environmental challenges. And only they are able to solve them. We often share the same natural resources - in teritory of Poland there is a small part of the Danube River basin. The selection of the countries of the region for the Ludovika program is all the more important as these are countries with similar experiences and level of development. Therefore, comparing environmental regulations and their effectiveness in practice is particularly valuable. It is also an opportunity to exchange experiences, which will enrich the research workshop.
What do you expect from the program?
Thanks to the Ludovica program, I want to gain new teaching experience and establish scientific cooperation with both Hungarian scientists and other programme participants.
Shared experience allows us to exchange insights on how to manage them.
What role does this grant play in your professional career?
Ludovika Scholar is an individual programme designed for each scholar. The grant received will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the environmental challenges faced by the countries in the region and how they are being managed. It is also an opportunity to assess and compare how EU regulations are being implemented in different countries.
It is also an opportunity to learn about applied environmental education methods in higher education. Direct meetings with students during lectures allow me to get to know the approach to environmental issues of people who are about to start work and will have a fundamental influence on shaping environmental protection.