Matija Miloš
Dr Matija Miloš, a Rijekai Egyetem Alkotmányjogi Tanszékének adjunktusa, akinek szakterülete az alkotmányelmélet, a jogi retorika, valamint a nemzeti kisebbségek jogi helyzetének szabályozása. Interaktív előadásában a szimbolikus nyelvhasználat jogi aspektusaira világított rá az internet korában.
Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető ITT.
What made you apply for the grant?
I come from a small university where opportunities for a productive intellectual exchange are rare. As I have visited the National University for Public Service earlier, attending some of the conferences organized there, I was familiar with some of the scholarship done within the university and was hoping I would be able to test some of my ideas with academics working there. The grant was a perfect opportunity to do this.
What do you expect from the program?
A productive discussion on some of my ideas. While I have adapted them to the themes interesting to the scholars working at the University, the topics of the workshop I am going to hold, on communicative legislation and national minorities, and on symbolic speech on the Internet, touch upon my broader research interests in constitutional law and legal rhetoric. I am hopeful that, by looking at them from a different angle, I would be able to make some headway on my long-term research projects.
What role does this grant play in your professional career?
My view of the academic life is one dedicated to participating in a continuous dialogue with other travellers of the mind and their ideas. With this grant, I am hoping to extend my own dialogue further than before. Thus, I am hopeful that I will be able to start nurturing some new academic partnerships that can further the knowledge and understanding of all involved in them