Kyriaki Topidi

Dr. habil. Kyriaki Topidi a flensburgi székhelyű European Centre for Minority Issues vezető kutatója. Szakterülete az összehasonlító alkotmányjog, valamint az uniós jog és kisebbségvédelem. Legújabb kutatásai a digitalizáció és a kisebbségi identitás kölcsönhatására irányulnak Az előadásairól készült összefoglaló elérhető  ITT és ITT.

What made you apply for the grant?

The grant represented for me an opportunity to connect with an academic community that has a tradition of scholarship in minority studies where I am active. As a highly context dependent and situational field of studies, I was also eager to understand better the Hungarian experience and understanding of the topic. The fact that the academic institution that hosts the fellowship programme focuses on public policy and the ’translation’ of standards and concepts into practice and policy-making made the opportunity more appealing.  


What do you expect from the program?

I would expect the programme to give me access to networking opportunities, exchange of learning and teaching experiences within minority studies and as importantly exposure to an environment of academic excellence for the policy leaders of the future. I look forward to deepening my links with colleagues and exploring possibilities for synergies and collaboration.


What role does this grant play in your professional career?

At the current stage of my professional career, I consider this grant as relevant for teaching, researching and communicating science purposes. I am aware that minority studies is a sensitive area of research and consider the present opportunity as a valuable experience to test and develop further key concepts and understandings related to the policy field of minority protection. As such, the grant provides the crucial space for academic growth.