Jaroslav Franc

Jaroslav Franc, a csehországi Palacky Egyetem adjunktusa, az Intézmény Kommunikációs Tanulmányok Tanszékének alapító tanszékvezetője, a teológia doktora. Szakterülete a média és kommunikáció, médiaetika, vallási tanok.

Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető ITT.

What made you apply for the grant?

I applied for the grant because it provides an exceptional opportunity to explore further the intersection of my research fields and fields covered by the Ludovika University of Public Service. The collaborative possibilities with international scholars were another key motivator besides the prestige of the university in general and the program in particular. 

What do you expect from the program?

I expect the program to foster academic exchanges and collaborations that lead to fresh perspectives in my research. I hope to gain insights into the regional dynamics of East-Central Europe, which are increasingly relevant in understanding global religious and media trends. The program also offers an excellent platform to network and build partnerships for future academic and institutional cooperation.

What role does this grant play in your professional career?

This grant plays a remarkable role as it supports my long-term goals of advancing research on the societal impacts of digital religion and enhancing internationalization in academia. It also positions me to contribute more effectively to the global discourse on media and religion while further developing the strategic goals of my institution in fostering international cooperation.