Ahmet Nuredini

Dr. Ahmet Nuredini a Koszovói Rendőrség Főigazgatóságának ezredese, a Fellebviteli Bizottság elnöke. Szakterülete a büntetőjog, a büntető eljárásjog, az információbiztonság és a kiberbűnözés. Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető  ITT.

What made you apply for the grant?

To apply for this grant I was highly motivated based on the possibilities that the Ludovika Scholar Program offered for me. This program will made possibility for me to exchange ideas with academics, researchers, and experts, and to learn about the work of scholars at the University. Another very important reason is that I love Hungary and Hungarian People. I visited officially many times Budapest.  In ILEA I have finished many trainings.


What do you expect from the program?

From this program, I expect to share my experience, knowledge and ideas with academics, researchers, students and experts and to learn about the work of scholars at the University as well as to develop stronger relationships with their partners.

Based on my academic and professional experience in the future In the future I see myself as a regular or part time Professor of the Ludovika University.


What role does this grant play in your professional career?

This grant play very important role in my professional and academic career. For me is great opportunity to spend a week giving public lectures, meeting with the management of the Ludovika University and other academic personnel of the . Great opportunity for me is also is my participation in workshops and taking part in professional discussions organized by the Ludovika University. This will make possibility for me to ”build bridges of cooperation’s” with institutions and will create the possibilities for future joint research and publication opportunities.