Slobodan Pajovic
Slobodan Pajovic a belgrádi University Business Academy Társadalomtudományi Karának alapító dékánja, szakmai területe a nemzetközi és a régiós tanulmányok.
Az előadásáról készült összefoglaló elérhető ITT.
What made you apply for the grant?
Several things influenced me to apply for this grant. In the first place, I would like to mention the reputation of the National University of Public Service. For me it is an opportunity to meet in situ with colleagues and students who are interested or engaged in international studies and to exchange views on the importance of international studies in the current uncertain phase of the development of international relations. Also, I must point out that I was strongly encouraged by the fact that the relations between our two countries have really transformed into a strategic one, which even opens up the possibility of considering a topic such as the joint performance of Hungary and Serbia in other parts of the world – in my case its Latin America. Finally, I would like to mention the excellent cooperation that the Faculty of Social Sciences maintains with the Hungarian Collegium Hungaricum in Belgrade.
What do you expect from the program?
First of all, I hope that with my public lecture, I will be able to interest the present students and colleagues in Latin American studies, which are still not adequately positioned in the framework of international studies in our countries.
I also expect that, together with my colleague Monica Szente-Varga, I will successfully organize a workshop on the topic of the joint performance of our countries in that part of the world, which would possibly open up space for organizing the same workshop in Belgrade and, finally, after that, depending on the results of the analysis a joint meeting of the competent institutions in our countries. In my opinion, this would be a concrete contribution of science to the further diversification of strategic cooperation between Hungary and Serbia.
What role does this grant play in your professional career?
First of all, I believe that it is very important for every scientist, regardless of his age or reputation in the country and abroad, to expose himself to international challenges.
Regardless of my scientific and pedagogical results achieved so far, I admit that I am grateful to Ludovika Scholars Program and Grant for enabling me to hold a public lecture and at the same time promote Latin American studies, coordinate a workshop together with my Hungarian colleague and meet colleagues from the field of international and regional studies.